Vulnerability Assessment for Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware attacks have taken a form of an epidemic in last two years. Organizations and individual users are affected by the cryptovirological menace alike. Therefore, it is important for every user to evaluate their vulnerability against ransomware attacks. With assessment, you can devise a better strategy to deter cryptovirological attacks and to prevent consequent ransomware removal activities.  Vulnerability assessment for ransomware attacks can be carried out by asking the following questions.

Are Employees Aware of Phishing Techniques?

Phishing is at the forefront of ransomware attacks. More than 80 percent cryptovirological attacks were carried out by delivering the payload through phishing mail. For that matter, it is important for any organization to educate their people regarding social engineering tactics that are used to devise a different type of phishing attacks. It is also important to note that organizations have to spend millions of dollars on ransomware removal measures because of the lack of awareness of employees regarding phishing.

Is Data Being Backed Up Regularly?

Reports suggest that the majority of businesses working in the digital realm are still not maintaining regular data backups. With the regular routine of data backups, you can significantly reduce ransomware removal cost and also the incurred downtime.

Is the Network Secure?

Ransomware operators also use Remote Desktop Services (RDS) to infiltrate organizational networks. If you are using RDS without taking care of its security, then keep in mind that your network is not protected. Similarly, if unauthorized devices are connected to the network, then it remains vulnerable to the instances of ransomware infiltrations.

Is Patch Management a Regular Practice?

Developers of cryptovirological strains frequently take advantage of the vulnerabilities of different vital software applications (MS Office, Window Scripting Files, and JavaScript etc.) to infiltrate and infect the devices with encryption.

By timely updating the devices with latest patches introduced by the developers, you can reduce the vulnerability of software. It will be interesting to mention that WannaCry ransomware, which wrecked havoc on digital users last year, used vulnerabilities of Windows system files to infiltrate the devices. A significant amount of resources were exhausted in ransomware removal activities following WannaCry epidemic.