Ransomware-detecting data backup appliance is launched

A few years ago when ransomware attacks made their entry into the cyber landscape, digital security experts couldn’t immediately come up with an effective preventive measure to neutralize these attacks. In the beginning, ransomware removal through decoding the encryption algorithm of cryptovirological strain was not that common.

At that time, backups were considered as the only viable option to protect your data from the shenanigans of ransomware operators. With time, ransomware operators have also understood that users can neutralize their attacks by maintaining a copy of data in the form of backups.

Online cloud services have also made it really convenient to back up all the important data in real time. The prevalence of backup practices and prompt ransomware removal techniques have significantly affected the commerce of ransomware attacks. Affected users are now less inclined to pay the attackers for ransomware.

Nevertheless, cybercriminals also keep up with the changing times. In order to make backups ineffective, they have begun to launch dormant ransomware strains. These malware codes infiltrate the system without demonstrating any anomaly. Since they are not detected by any digital security software, therefore dormant ransomware strains are also backed up in routine to the cloud data centers. And when users retrieve this data, the dormant ransomware starts its malevolent activity.

In order to deal with this new trick of ransomware operators, Asigra, a famous cloud backup platform, has introduced an appliance that can detect dormant malevolent codes in the backup streams. Upon detection, the appliance doesn’t back up the infected piece of data and inform the user. This preventive action can help the users to commence ransomware removal activities before any encryption activity begins. There is no doubt that the modernization of data backup practices is essential to deal with the menace of ransomware attacks, apart from streamlining ransomware removal measures.