MonsterCloud’s CEO Zohar Pinhasi Talks about RYUK Ransomware on NBC

According to the FBI RYUK Ransomware is still a major threat. Regardless of Antivirus softwares, different strains continue to hit businesses and government entities causing damages for millions of dollars. Our CEO and Cybersecurity expert Zohar Pinhasi was invited by NBC to discuss the potential threat and possibly advice people on how to protect themselves.

RYUK Ransomware Protection

The protection from ransomware could be a complex operation but the important thing is for everyone to understand that the backups, and the education of employees and co-workers is crucial. Not investing enough in cybersecurity can end up being very costly as ransomware attacks can hit again after paying the ransom or decrypting the virus with other means.

See the interview with Zohar below and let us know what you think in the comments!

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